After 10 truly extraordinary years as Aspen Shakti, and seeing first hand what a powerful impact a business can have on the health of a community, it is safe to say we've learned a few things, and safe to say we want to do our part to continue the magic.

What We’ve Learned

We've learned

how to hold the Aspen community in joy, expansion and transformation, and also in grief and loss.  We've learned about yoga, movement as deep medicine, the power of breathwork and sound and the magic of inviting master teachers into our heartcave to help us stay relevant fresh, inspired and connected on the mat.

We've learned

about life, about finding our rhythm and questioning our thoughts and finding our rhythm again  .  . . and again.

We've learned

and had the chance to together experience so much healing and growth that it cannot do justice to list.

And we've also learned

that Aspen Shakti, in its essence, is not a business.  It is a community sanctuary space for connection, transformation, mental, physical and spiritual growth and self inquiry  ... it is a place that holds us through life . .  and in turn that is what it must become.  Thus, we will now be known as the Aspen Shakti Collective.

What We Will Be

The Aspen Shakti Collective will be

a place to connect to your breath, to your body, to your spirit and to your center.  

The Aspen Shakti Collective will be

a place to come inside, without distraction, and to look within.  Here the pose nor the handstand will ever be the goal . . the goal is to create space where we were once stuck, to unveil the layers of protection we've built around our hearts, to appreciate our bodies, and to become aware of the mind and the noise it creates.

The Aspen Shakti Collective will be

a place to make peace with who we are, and whom others are . . and to learn to see the greater spiritual picture as to why things happen the way they do.

The Aspen Shakti Collective will be

a sacred space that inspires us to uncover, to USE and to fearlessly SHARE our gifts with everyone so we can create a better community and a better world.   When we take time to find our center and clear the thoughts that don't allow us to see clearly, we walk back out into the world renewed, reconnected, energized, strong, clear and vibrant.  

The Aspen Shakti Collective will NOT be

a place to measure what we have accumulated or acquired, it is a place to come just as you are and to get curious about what you want included in your greatest life.  THIS is the stuff that creates meaning, fulfillment and peace in our lives . . .

The Aspen Shakti Collective will be

a place to fortify and strengthen all of THIS!

The Vision

Starting Oct 1, 2024 . . .

Aspen Shakti will transition from operating as a traditional yoga studio into The Alive Culture & The Aspen Shakti Collective, a lifestyle, community and sacred space for the Mind Body and Spirit. We envision a space open to a multitude of practitioners, healers, artists and vendors choosing a platform and/or for space to offer their gifts globally and physically in the downtown Aspen Core.  

It is a place available for immersions, ceremony, ritual, conscious private and group movement or workshop experiences.  

We envision a place for the community to use and a place that will rely on the community to keep it going.  This is an act of trust, and in following the way of Shakti, the creative energy of the Universe, we believe that collectively we are capable of so much more than we can do on our own, and so we are going to put this to the test.  

We will take this month by month, season by season.  We know that if this operates as a place for community health, growth, empowerment and connection, and that is what is valued and needed, then it will thrive.  

Led by Jayne Gottlieb and her commitment to fully alive living, we will be offering on season classes with many of the greatest local and international teachers. Off-seasons will be for more acute and immersive experiences or trainings . . . and the rest will unfold as it may.  

With love and devotion and gratitude,

Our Fall Challenge is the bridge


Membership & Pricing:

Your Membership will no longer be a standard yoga studio membership, instead you will be part of A Collective ALIVE Space and awakening culture.


$42 Drop In

$165 ~ 5 classes/month

$250 ~ 10 classes/month

$400 ~ 25 class/month

$750 ~ 20 punch pass, 1 year expiration

*Serve Yourself ~ *We have always and will always find creative solutions and work/trade for those in need who want to practice with us and are financially limited.

Workshops, trainings, rituals, retreats, events etc will have their own member and non-member pricing structure.


$125/hr THE ASPEN SHAKTI COLLECTIVE members / non-profit

$225/hr non- members / for profit