aka She's Walking Shakti

Meet Aspen Shakti’s owner and founder and the creator of Shakti Method™. Jayne is a movement and embodiment coach, wellness entrepreneur, speaker and industry leader for FULLY ALIVE LIVING.

Jayne, works with individuals + groups to clear out stagnant energy, limited or biased thinking patterns and blocks and activate the infinite well of self sourcing energy, creativity and aliveness. Once cleared and activated, Jayne guides participants to direct or channel that new found energy, creativity and perspective into energized pathways.

For you, it may be effective business strategies, more loving and connected significant relationships, elevated mental and physical well being, and overall your best fully alive life.

Jayne has worked with people from all walks of life from new graduates, to stay at home mom’s, CEO’s and company leaders, to some of the most well known and celebrated household celebrities. Jayne’s work is fun, potent, activating, soulful, mental, physical and life changing if you do the work.

Work With Jayne

An online inner circle for fully alive living
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Pop up event experiences
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For fully alive living
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Private Retreat
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This 3.5 day private reset offers the ideal environment for a deep dive realignment + rejuvenation process.  The experience provides 3 full days of curriculum and a total blood sugar detox and dietary reset to teach new habits and ensure your well-being is nurtured every step of the way.

Whether it's your relationships, purpose, inner or outer environment, physical health, mental well-being, or spiritual growth, Jayne's holistic approach addresses all these areas. By integrating fitness, yoga, mediation, self reflection, and the Shakti Mapping and Living Pie chart processes, you'll gain the inspiration, clarity and focus necessary to make significant changes or upgrades in the areas most important to YOU.

Calling six humans, all genders, races and ages, who are craving high-level, deep, meaningful and authentic connection, a total mind body spirit detox + reboot, support, fully alive processes, coaching and lasting results that only the container of an intentional group and inspired curriculum can offer.


Jayne, Marisa and the Shakti team of curated professionals are going all in to provide a next level holistic, authentic, deep, nourishing and expansive experience that will help you shift perspective, break stuck patterns and address roadblocks.  The group is highly curated and you will glean lifelong connections and accountability, practices and insight.    

OCTOBER 25 - 28
ASPEN + BASALT, Colorado
10.26 4:00 PM - 9:00 PM 10.26 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM 10.27 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM 10.28 9:00 AM - 7:00 PM 
Luxury accommodations in Jayne’s home in Basalt, CO
All chef prepared organic, gluten free & sugar free organic meals tailored to the group goals and needs - guided and supported summer detox and total gut reset
Daily mental, physical and spiritual practice  - inner and outer fitness  (yoga, dance, hiking, training etc)
Daily group focus sessions/ coaching based on group goals and needs
Guided journaling + meditation
Guidance & Support through all mapping and visioning processes
Shamanic Fire Ceremony
Group Energy Work
Sound Bath
Dream Temple
Total Mind Body, Spirit reset
This Shakti Reset/Alive Mastermind is a unique, proprietary framework for activating aliveness all throughout your life and releasing limitations and patterning with Jayne as your personal guide.
Expect a potent combination of personal AND professional work $2250 PER PERSON
This reset is limited to 6 participants so besure to reserve your spot ASAP
You will glean practices, inspiration, accountability and connection surrounding mind, body, spirit wholeness & health centered fully alive living from a fully sourced and sustainable place
You will give and receive reflection, inspirational and guidance in goal setting, life mapping and activation in key core areas of your life
You will question and refine everything with the support of an alive community who is doing and living the work
You'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, activating key core areas of your life. Through meditation, journaling, time in nature and the rejuvenating power of clean, organic food, you'll reset your mind, body, and spirit.
Using emotional processing, uncovering trauma & core wounds, relationships, attachments, personal transitions -  you will have support to work through what is coming up in your life.
You will receive Business Mentoring – Focus on business, strategy and leadership skills. Build mentorship tools, strategy and professional feedback to grow & scale your wellness business and/or team. We will dive into shadow work – as the success of any business depends on the psychology of its leader.
This time will help open possibilities in your life, bring to light things you’ve never thought of before, strengthen your nervous system to channel and release energy with more ease and clarity, and bring more direction, gratitude and meaning into your everyday life.
Dedicating time and attention within this container will empower you to truly be the creator of your life, and support you in bringing the journey of wholeness into your consciousness, which IS the path to liberation, abundance, love, sex, flow, peace .  . . all of it.  
Ultimately by doing this work you will become part of a network of do-ers, movers, shakers, and incredible humans and will have access to private group mastermind retreat experiences and more. The intention is for this "Work" to evolve into invite-only, small retreats for those who are interested.
Come with me and let's collaborate in stepping forward into creating and experiencing your 'great life'.
Your 'Great Life' is the one in which YOU become the creator/designer of your life and YOU decide if and how and why you create and respond and act the way you do, and YOU decide how you want to feel, what and who you want to surround yourself with, and what you want reflected from the outside world.

My life is FAR from perfect, or salwasy, shall I say 'great',  but it is extraordinary and full of magic . .  and that's just it . .  the ecstasy and the fullness of life lives in creating the vision and then in relaxing into the (hero's) journey of it, knowing that the magic is always happening in the background.  

If you truly knew that starting tomorrow, or next week, you literally could have the life of your dreams, regardless of the outside world, why wouldn't you choose it?


"My experience at Aspen Shakti's retreat was truly transformative. Jayne's guidance and the immersive activities provided a perfect balance of self-reflection, personal growth, and physical rejuvenation. I left feeling more connected to myself and others, with a renewed sense of purpose. It's an experience I'll cherish forever."

Sarah L., Retreat Participant

"Attending Jayne Gottlieb's workshop was a game-changer for me. Her embodiment techniques and coaching style are incredibly effective. I walked away with practical tools to overcome mental blocks and reenergize my life. Jayne's approach is a blend of wisdom, passion, and authenticity that's truly inspiring."

Alex M., Workshop Attendee

"Working with Jayne Gottlieb has been a revelation. Her ability to help me clear mental and emotional blocks has been instrumental in my personal and professional growth. Jayne's coaching is a perfect blend of insight, compassion, and practical guidance. She has a unique gift for helping you tap into your own inner power and creativity. I'm immensely grateful for her transformative guidance."

Mark S., Private Coaching Client

The Shakti Reset/ Private Alive Mastermind is for you if:

Something's calling you into your next level of healing, empowerment and manifestation / You want in-depth, personalized coaching or mentoring with a woman who is living this work / You feel the pull of your Soul and see life as your curriculum / You are a mystic and Seeker on the path – knowing that everything arrives in your life to help you evolve and awaken / You haven't quite found a modality or approach that helps you fully clear and release emotional baggage or unhealthy patterns / You want to radiate unwavering confidence, wisdom and grace / You want to embody your Soul and integrate your Soul Gifts and learnings into work, relationships and everyday / Top-down, "heady" approaches to therapy have left you unfulfilled – wanting a more holistic approach to healing that incorporates the body, Spirit, ritual and wisdom traditions / You're ready to more deeply heal / You want to up-level your career and income with mentorship, guidance, personalized strategy and resources / You need a stronger, more aligned support system and mind body spirit total reboot

Join Aspen’s most transformational mind, body, spirit obsession no matter where you are in the world.

© 2023, Aspen Shakti.  |  All Rights Reserved