Alchemy Spa Offerings


Laura Moretz
Laura Moretz
Astrology and Tarot : 1 on 1 readings
$300 per session | for $800
In person or zoom
Private Events
-Corporate Teams
-Friend Groups
$650 minimum up to 10ppl | $55 pp up to 25 ppl

Laura Moretz is a professional artist, astrologer and poet. She brings 25 years of experience to her unique astrology and tarot readings.

Astrology may be having a moment, but it isn’t new. We’ve
long been connected to the cycles of nature, the moon and the
planets. It’s only since the Industrial revolution and the
invention of electricity that we have really lost our inner
connection to these cycles. Astrology helps us come back into
a larger part of who we are, by connecting ourselves back
into the natural rhythms of the cosmos.

You aren’t just your sun sign, rising sign or moon sign. You
are the entire sky. You are the entire Universe. By working
with me, we will explore different archetypes in your natal
chart and the tarot to help you achieve a more expansive,
authentic awareness of self.

As an abstract painter, my job it to make the invisible,
seen. As an astrologer, I do the same thing. Taking abstract
concepts and helping you understand them and in turn be able
to embody them in your day to day life is my passion.

Learn your natal chart, aka the snapshot of the sky the moment you were born, and how it
informs your foundation as a person. We will discuss sun, moon and rising and which areas of
life they are most affecting, as well as the inner planets Mercury, Mars and Venus any how they
are informing different areas of your life.

Tarot and Transits

60 mins
A custom reading tailored to your needs with both astrology transits and tarot. Weave in the
current transits, impact on any questions you are looking for clarity on. Career, relationships,
home life or anything you desire. We will use look at the current sky to see what areas of your
life are being activated and use the visual tools of the tarot to gain insight and answers.

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